Newsletters are a great communication tool…. if used correctly. If you do it badly, not only will the delete button be hit as soon as it arrives in anyone’s inbox, but you are likely to irritate and lose customers and potential customers. Blindly sending poorly produced messages to people who you think might be interested in your product or service is completely pointless.
Zebra Colour are experts in this field and will make sure that the 5 seconds you have to make an impact are utilised to their full potential. We think carefully about what makes your customers tick and what they want to hear. We craft your message wisely, with both words and pictures that make people stop and read it, but most importantly act on it!
Who are you sending it to? Sorry, there are no prizes for the largest database and no, we aren’t interested in how many people you think you may know. We’re after quality contacts, ie. the people who will become customers/clients. We honestly don’t see the point of writing to people who will never buy from you or recommend you to others, you’re just likely to annoy them.
Once you’ve sent it, that’s it isn’t it? No, absolutely not! We carry out a detailed analysis of the responses and develop follow-up campaigns accordingly. Don’t just look at who opened it and the click throughs. Consider what time of day is best, which day of the week and the regularity of your message to create the biggest impact and gain more customers.