About Us

We're a mixed bag of people

from a variety of backgrounds

Why not have a root around the bag, you'll find qualifications from B.Sc.'s to post-graduate diplomas in marketing management. Go on, don't be shy, dig some more.Have a look at the companies we've worked with, look, there are major blue chip companies such as Fuji, Haymarket, Kodak, DuPont and Sun Chemical. Oh, and look here, there's some magazine work across titles as diverse as BBC Good Food, What Car, Smash Hits and Motorcycle News.
Get to know us

why choose Zebra

Have a look at the companies we’ve worked with, look, there are major blue chip companies such as Fuji, Haymarket, Kodak, DuPont and Sun Chemical. Oh, and look here, there’s some magazine work across titles as diverse as BBC Good Food, What Car, Smash Hits and Motorcycle News.

And here’s a bit of advertising work with McCann Erickson doing all sorts of things from Lucent Technologies to Toby Grills. Fancy a bit of public sector? If you keep on digging you’ll find the Department of Trade and Industry and some G8 summit organisation.

What about running The Zuckerman lecture given by Al Gore at the Royal Society and receiving personal thanks from him for delivering such a slick event?

Digging into our bag of people and their experience is a bit like digging into a ladies handbag, it’s almost bottomless and you’ll normally find what you need somewhere. So, you see, talking to us will always turn up some thing useful.

We would just like to make it perfectly clear here that the gentlemen at Zebra Colour do not go rooting around uninvited in ladies handbags. If the truth be told, even if we are invited we’re a bit scared and like to just hand the handbag over to a qualified lady. So long as that’s quite clear.

Need a brochure? Know what your products do but every time you try and write it down it sounds daft? Have a chat with us, not only will we hone your words into finely crafted prose we’ll also make it look good. You never know, we might even have some good marketing advice to give you too.

Well, that’s all sorted then isn’t it? You’ve got your brochure on the computer, now you just have to speak to all the printers you know. But wait, you don’t know any printers. Good job we do then. We’ll liaise with the printers and make sure your brochures arrive where you want them, when you want them, looking just as stunning as you’d expected them to. We’ll also be here to get some more printed when you run out.

We can do this for anything else you’d expect your marketing department to do. If you’ve always known that you really ought to be producing a newsletter to keep in touch with your customers and tell them your latest news, we can do that for you too. And while we’re talking about your news, how is it that your competitors always seem to have stuff about them in the trade press? Wouldn’t you know it, they’ve got a marketing department who make sure that they send regular press releases to the trade press. They also coordinate this with specific features the magazines are doing and any advertising they do so they always stand a good chance of getting their news published. At the risk of repetition, work with Zebra Colour and you’ll have a marketing department too so your press releases will always hit the right desks and appear in print.

We define it as when a client knows what they want to achieve but has to go and lock themselves into a darkened room when they begin to think of all the things that need to be done to achieve it. And even when they are calmly lying in their darkened room they keep remembering other things that will need to be done that they hadn’t thought of before. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Talk to us, it’ll be like going on holiday as a child – did you ever worry about packing when you were a child or worry about the weight of your cases, the flight times, the weather… you didn’t did you? Mummy and Daddy did all that for you, in fact you probably weren’t even aware that anyone needed to worry about things like that.

If we manage your project, be that a marketing campaign, website development or a conference or anything else that has you running for the darkened room it will be like a childhood holiday. Go on, start looking for your bucket and spade.

Apart from the fact we’re nice people to work with, Zebra Colour is also:

Barclay’s recommended marketing advisor for new Barclay’s customers in Preston and Chorley. *
A speaker at Northern Lights events at the University of Central Lancashire to local businesses. Comments have included “You were fantastic”, “The presentation was awesome”, “Your talk was great”.
An expert panel member at Northern Lights events at the University of Central Lancashire to local businesses.
Small Firms Enterprise Development Initiative (SFEDI) trained and offering mentoring support to new and growing businesses in the area.
* In providing any free consultation under this arrangement (or any additional services as may be agreed between the Marketing professional and any third party), the Marketing professional is acting as principal and is not acting on behalf of Barclays Bank plc as agent or otherwise. No payment or other consideration is payable for any referrals.

What Our Clients Think

It is quite astounding, Zebra Colour really can turn their hand to a variety of marketing functions, from providing PR support to helping build relationships with new customers, they really have helped my business grow

Nick Little

Sales Director, Trimwel, Ireland

Building relationships and convincing people that they are dealing with an honest and professional team that will deliver what they commit to is sometimes hard to achieve. With the help of Zebra Colour I have many new customers who believe in my company and the services it delivers.

Keith Pratt

Managing Director, Atlantic Print Solutions

Zebra Colour provides marketing support for a number of my companies based in Canada and the Middle East. The needs of each of these organisations varies greatly and Zebra Colour has been very flexible in its approach and excellent at adapting its services to fit in with the needs of each. The marketing advice and support has been invaluable, especially on website development. The depth of understanding of the markets we operate in and of how websites work has helped hugely with the development of the design, structure and content of my websites.

Homayoun Shahrestani

CEO, Maplejet.

I have worked with Meena for the past 15 years in a variety of roles. Whilst she was at Fuji I worked with her to provide strategic direction on many exhibitions and events, at McCann Erickson we worked together on marketing strategies for blue chip organisations and at Glasgows we provided event solutions for public sector bodies. All of these roles required different approaches and Meena easily adapted her marketing skills to suit the needs of each company.

After all these years, Paul Turner Displays Ltd had no hesitation in recruiting Meena as their marketing consultant, to offer strategic direction and marketing support to help the business grow. Meena is a very knowledgeable and dedicated marketing professional with excellent communication skills. This combined with her project management expertise makes sure we keep on track with our commitments within the agreed budget. She is a real team player with a great attitude, very professional and friendly, and I thoroughly enjoy working with her.

Paul Turner

Managing Director, Paul Turner Displays Ltd

I am writing to say a BIG “thank you” for your contribution to the Northern Lights event on the 10th July as our special guest speaker. Your talk on “Marketing – Rocket Science Made Simple” Top tips for simple but effective marketing communication, was extremely well received by the audience. Your relaxed style and delivery really helped our clients to understand the basic concepts of Marketing/PR and how to apply your helpful techniques to their businesses. We had excellent feedback from the delegates, who quoted “Clear, Concise and Enthusiastic Approach”, Excellent – very practical”, Brilliant speaker”, “Excellent communicator and useful information”, Simple yet effective”

Lateef Badat

Business Mentor/Coach, Northern Lights

For nearly eight years Meena had a pivotal role in delivering a highly complex project to promote the European Union’s Framework 5, 6 and 7 for research and development in the UK. The challenge was not just to market the programme but to find and encourage UK companies to apply for funding. In many ways this large and complex project allowed Meena to use all her skills and expertise to maximum effect. Not only did the project call upon all her extensive marketing skills and expertise but required sophisticated administration, management and people skills….. Needless to say the project was a great success earning plaudits from our Government clients

Ron Glasgow

Chairman, Glasgows

Zebra Colour is far more remarkable than you’d imagine after meeting Gareth – is there someone else involved? Seriously, I’ve already received orders and enquiries, and more importantly, recognition that I know has come about following the PR and email marketing that Zebra Colour has done

Chris Naylor

Director. Marketing Incentives, Leyland

After my initial meeting with Meena from Zebra Colour I will definitely be using her for the future marketing of my business. She gave me some fantastic ideas to get me started and was extremely easy to talk to!

Donna Brown

Owner, Chorley Florist

Zebra Colour has helped develop our marketing strategy by prioritising the activity which will most help to raise our profile in the educational sector and grow our business. Thanks to them we are now sending newsletters out every few weeks, producing and distributing press releases to the trade press and maximising all our event and exhibition opportunities. We are also updating the website with event news, case studies and testimonials on a regular basis which Zebra Colour has helped put together. ICT Direct’s visibility in the educational market is increasing significantly as a result.

John Graham

Managing Director, ICT Direct

We’ve definitely seen a big increase in the media coverage MJH receives since we started working with Zebra Colour, and I believe this is having a very positive impact on the number of potential clients we are speaking to

Mark Hall

Director. MJH Accountants, Preston

Zebra Colour provide a complete service offering innovative ideas and effective solutions to businesses, whether it be in client relations, website development or media awareness. MJH Accountants recommend the services of Zebra Colour to any business who is looking to provide the best possible service to their existing clients and to expand their client base. Zebra Colour can help!

Andrea Moore

Practice Manager. MJH Accountants, Preston

Having worked with Zebra Colour for the past three years on a variety of marketing projects, ranging from PR activity, exhibition support, production of newsletters to website development. They can only be described as a highly focussed and dedicated marketing team who possess excellent communication skills. They are all team players with great attitudes and excellent inter-personal skills. Their project management skills always ensure our deadlines are met on time and within budget.

Loic Delor

Managing Director, Josero

Meena and Gareth are a pleasure to work with; laid back but very efficient at the same time. They were fundamentally involved in our total rebrand and relaunch, including the content for our new website. On top of this, we now have a marketing strategy covering the next 12 months and I’m certain that, with their support, we will continue to develop and achieve our goals.” Diane Ogden, Director. The Therapy Company, St Annes & Preston

Diane Ogden

Director. The Therapy Company, St Annes & Preston

Meet our Team!

Gareth McDonald

Gareth McDonald

All Round Good Egg

Gareth has over 20 years of experience within the imaging market and has held key positions within major blue-chip companies over this time. His informal imaging life began at a very young age as he watched his father who was a professional motorsport photographer and a lecturer in photography. He began his formal imaging life with a B.Sc. in Photographic…

Meena McDonald

Meena McDonald

Marketing Director

A true marketing professional, Meena has over 20 years of marketing experience working with many blue chip clients, SMEs and Central Government departments. After completing her Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing Management, Meena started her working life in the publishing industry with BBC Frontline. She set up promotions and campaigns for magazines ranging from What Car, BBC Good Food and Management…